Chronic Conditions and Mental Health

living with chronic conditions Make yourself visible!

Chronic conditions are medical conditions that last for an extended period of time, often needing long-term treatments and management. Conditions like diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and arthritis are examples of chronic illnesses. Meanwhile, mental health is simply the state of a person’s psychological and emotional wellbeing. With the two being closely related, a person affected by a chronic condition can experience mental health issues that can affect their overall quality of life.

Due to the physical and mental stress that comes with a chronic condition, it is common for people to experience depression, social isolation, and difficulty in managing daily activities. People with chronic conditions are also more likely to experience comorbidities such as anxiety and stress. Furthermore, the physical and emotional impacts of such conditions can lead to a decrease in self-esteem and an overall sense of helplessness.

The management of a chronic condition can be incredibly difficult, as it affects both the physical and mental wellbeing of those living with it. It is important to create a supportive environment, with friends and families playing an important role in helping those affected to feel connected and understood. Mental health professionals such as psychiatrists and psychologists can also help to assess and manage the mental health issues associated with chronic conditions.

It is also important to take time to care for one’s mental health. Taking time to relax and engage in activities that bring joy can help to prevent burnout and provide comfort. Additionally, talking to friends and family, taking part in online support groups, and engaging in self-care activities can also help to improve the mental health of those living with chronic conditions.If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online! 

Overall, chronic conditions and mental health issues are closely intertwined. It is important to ensure that people affected by chronic conditions are supported and given proper care, both mentally and physically, in order to help them manage their conditions and live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Managing Stress Before a Driving Test

Nobody likes going into a stressful situation unprepared, and a driving test is certainly no exception. Taking a driving test is an important step in gaining your driver’s license and can be a cause of immense anxiety and stress for many. However, there are several steps you can take to ensure you’re prepared and have reduced the stress before the test.

It is also important to practice relaxation techniques before your driving test. This can include anything from deep breathing exercises, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation. Taking the time to relax before the test will help to clear your head and reduce anxiety. 

10 measures you can take to manage your stress before driving test

1. Prioritize sleep – Make sure you get enough rest before your test. If you are well-rested, you will feel less anxious and be better able to focus on the task of driving. 

2. Practice mindful breathing – Take some deep breaths to help you relax and focus on the present moment. 

3. Listen to calming music – Put on some tranquil music that you find calming. Focus on the music and let it help you relax. 

4. Visualize success – Visualize yourself succeeding on your driving test. Imagine how you will feel when you pass and remind yourself that you are capable of doing this. 

5. Exercise – Exercise can help to reduce stress and improve your mood. Even a short walk can help to alleviate some of the tension you are feeling. 

6. Use a stress ball – Squeezing a stress ball can help to release some of the tension in your body. 

7. Practice in the car – Practicing in the car will help you become more familiar with the vehicle you will be using for your test. 

8. Take a break – If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break to de-stress and then come back to it. 

9. Eat healthy – Eating healthy foods can help to keep your energy levels up and reduce stress. 

10. Talk to someone – Talking to a friend or family member about your worries and fears can help to relieve some of the pressure you are feeling.

By following these tips, you can help to reduce the amount of stress you feel before a driving test. Taking the time to prepare and stay calm can make all the difference in helping you get your driver’s license.

Anxiety and lightheadness

Feeling dizzy can easily be one of the most disruptive symptoms of anxiety. You might find yourself feeling lightheaded. It can feel as though you need to sit or lie down, and in some cases changing your positioning still does not stop your symptoms. For others, the dizziness may be accompanied by other symptoms that can cause you to believe your life is in danger.

Causes of Dizziness

Dizziness can be a very serious symptom of other issues such as low blood pressure, anemia, getting up too fast, or more serious conditions like multiple sclerosis. If it is the first time you are experiencing dizziness – especially if the dizziness is severe – it is a good idea to visit your primary care provider.

If anxiety is the cause of your dizziness, there are several possible causes:

  • Hyperventilation — This is one of the most common causes. It often occurs during an anxiety or panic attack, but it can occur at any moment when you suffer from anxiety. Hyperventilation is the result of breathing too quickly and blowing off too much carbon dioxide. When you think of anxiety-induced hyperventilation, you imagine someone being unable to catch their breath and speak in clear sentences. This lowers your carbon dioxide levels but you also cannot take in enough oxygen. This is usually why people are instructed to breathe slowly into a paper bag. 
  • Panic — Panic attacks may induce dizziness in several ways. The most common is through hyperventilation or “fast breathing” that constricts blood vessels to the brain. It is also not uncommon for the rush of adrenaline to make you feel lightheaded, worsening the dizziness. Dizziness is also a response to perceived illness, and the extreme anxiety of a panic attack may cause your body to think it is sick. 
  • Dehydration — Dehydration can also cause the sensation of dizziness and/or lightheadedness. Anxiety does not cause dehydration, but those that suffer from anxiety are more prone to becoming anxious when dehydrated. Also, anxiety can exaggerate physical sensations, making them feel worse than they actually are. So mild dizziness from dehydration may be described as severe dizziness.

Anxiety-induced dizziness tends not to last long, although it can fluctuate fairly quickly in the midst of intense anxious moment. If your dizziness prevents you from standing or lasts more than a few minutes without resolving, it is best to contact your primary care provider, because it might not be caused by merely anxiety. 

Managing Your Dizziness

Still, dizziness can be frightening and disruptive. There is no denying that individuals would rather live without these symptoms. Having to deal with dizziness can start to create a perpetual cycle of worsened anxiety that can then cause more dizziness. It can also trigger the beginning of a panic attack, making the entire experience a nightmare. 

If you are currently feeling dizzy, try the following:

  • Breathe Slower and Deeper — Often anxiety attacks feel as though you cannot obtain a full breath. When in actuality, you are breathing too quickly and inadvertently forcing yourself to “over-breathe”. Instead, you end up taking rapid, shallow breaths. You should slow your breathing by counting breaths or breathing into a paper bag to correct your carbon dioxide levels. 
  • Close Your Eyes — If you can safely close your eyes, try keeping them closed for a few minutes. Dizziness can have visual aspects that cause you to feel as if the room is spinning. With your eyes closed, it removes that particular sensory input. This should ease some of your dizziness and decrease the likelihood of nausea and vomiting. 
  • Drink Water — If you can walk comfortably, try drinking some water. This is important for those whose dizziness is related to dehydration. It can also be beneficial because the cool water has a tendency to relax the body.
  • Focus on a Spot — Many ballet dancers that get dizziness from spinning find that they can obtain a bit of relief if they stare at one spot in the distance. While having symptoms, consider staring at a stationary spot which can help your eyes and mind get back under control.

You may also just have to wait it out a bit. Dizziness caused by anxiety is usually fairly temporary. There is no pill or supplement that you can take to relieve it. 

Preventing the Dizziness From Returning

Keep in mind that dizziness can be both the result of anxiety and also its cause. If your primary care physician has ruled out other medical causes that could start dizziness, the next thing to consider would be controlling your anxiety. Because until your anxiety is resolved, the symptoms will continue to return. 

First, make sure that you are practicing your breathing techniques. Work on retraining your body to breathe deeper and slower to lessen hyperventilation episodes. When you suffer from certain types of anxiety conditions, you can hyperventilate spontaneously without any triggers.

Next, make sure that you are eating healthy, drinking water, exercising, etc. Once again, anxiety can cause dizziness that can induce more anxiety, in one vicious circle. To prevent both anxiety and dizziness, you should maintain your health to the best of your ability. 

Finally, create an anti-anxiety routine. There are various ways to control anxiety symptoms. You will need to start by finding out what type of specific anxiety you are suffering from, and then you can pinpoint certain anxiety management options that will lessen your symptoms.

source :

How to Stop Anxiety Dizziness (

Micah Abraham, BSc

Manage Anxiety Before Driving Test

1. Do Meditation and breathing technique 15 min before test.

2. Do know there is no bad consequences in any circumstances whether you pass or fail.

3. Listen to motivational recorded voice of yours indicating you past achievements.

4. You may try herbal remedies like chamomile in the morning before test instead of coffee or tea.

5. Last but not least, if you could get support you should do that; e.g. talking to a family member or friend.

Cope with chronic illness

Chronic illness, difficult to cope with

When you have an acute illness such as bronchitis or flu, you know you’ll feel better and be back to normal within a short period of time. This isn’t true with a chronic illness #chronicillness . It may never go away and can disrupt your life in a number of ways.

Chronic illnesses have disease-specific symptoms, but may also bring invisible symptoms like pain, fatigue and mood disorders. It is better to consider them as #invisibledisabilities .

Chronic illness have a variety of effects on your life, physically and mentally 

Physical changes from a disease may affect your appearance. These changes can turn a positive self-image into a poor one. When you don’t feel good about yourself, you may withdraw from friends and social activities leading to #socialisolation . Stress can build and can shape your feelings about life. Long periods of stress can lead to frustration, anger, hopelessness, and, at times, depression. Mood disorders such as #depression and #anxiety are common complaints of people with chronic conditions.

Chronic illness can also influence your ability to work. You might have to change the way you work to cope with morning stiffness, decreased range of motion and other physical limitations. It may affect your #productivity .

Is Mental Disorder A Risk Factor For Dementia

In a population-based study of 1.7 million New Zealand citizens, people with early-life mental disorder were at elevated risk of subsequent dementia and younger dementia onset. Associations were evident across different psychiatric conditions, for Alzheimer disease and all other dementia. It was evident after accounting for preexisting physical diseases and socioeconomic deprivation.

Authors in this this study showed Dementia was over represented among individuals with a mental disorder. The association between mental disorders and dementia was larger than the association between physical diseases and dementia.

A recent commission of dementia experts identified depression among the 12 preventable risk factors most robustly associated with dementia. In Systematic reviews authors have implicated other psychiatric conditions in dementia risk, including anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

Individuals diagnosed with psychotic, substance use, mood, neurotic, and who engaged in self-harm were all more likely than those without a mental disorder to be diagnosed with subsequent dementia. The results were relevant even after accounting for their physical disease histories.

Findings from this study suggests that ameliorating mental disorders in early life might reduce risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disease in later life.

Read the full article here